Mix flours with water and keep the glass jar in a warm spot for the next 24 hours, covered with a clean cloth.
Discard half the culture, add water and flour, and stir with a spoon . Cover and let it rest for another 24 hours in a warm spot.
Some fermentation activity might be present. Discard, feed, stir and wait. Starting from now on you’ll do it twice a day to keep that activity going faster.
There will be lots of bubbles, both on top of your sourdough starter as well some visible on the sides. Your starter may have risen and fallen a bit.
Fermentation activity should be present and increase each day. Remember to feed it twice a day!
Fermentation activity should be present and increase each day. Your starter should rise almost twice its size.
On day 7, you should already be able to see the rise and fall of your starter. Your starter should be ready for your first sourdough bread!
- Quality of the ingredients matter; - Keep your starter in a warm place for it to grow; - Feed it twice a day at the beginning.